Sunday, 7 September 2014

We are having a baby! I need to win competitions...

Now I'm pregnant my comping wish list has completely changed. Although I haven't comped for about 4 months due to morning all day sickness. So I'm looking forward to getting back into it and aiming for much needed prizes.

We got rid of most of our baby things as we didn't think we would have any more children. But we have the moses basket in the attic and luckily a client of mine gave me most of the things.

But there are a few things we will still need and things that will come in handy. So here's a list of things I would love to win before the end of the year.

A new Bugaboo Bee3, this would be my 'dream' pram but costing over £700 for the pram and carrycot I can't imagine there will be many competitions to win one of these! I would be happy with any pram really :)

A breast pump, I found this really handy with my other children I could express if I wanted to escape without worrying about the baby going hungry.

I've never used reusable nappies so I would love to win some and use them this time.

A changing bag, I had a pink lining changing bag with the others and it was great, they have plenty of room and are stylish too.

Vouchers for some trendy baby clothes. They aren't in their clothes for long in the first few months so it would be lovely to have some super cute clothes and not have to pay for them.

So I'm going to keep my eye out for creative competitions to win all the things we need for our new arrival. I find it really difficult to find creative competitions that don't have loads of entries though so sometimes it puts me off. I've also bought some baby magazines but there doesn't seem to be that many out there with competitions. If you spot any that you think might be of interest to me you could always tweet my at @vickyd4v3. I would be mega grateful :)

I will keep you updated on how I get on!