Friday, 22 March 2013

McDonalds Monopoly Fortunes 2013

Mmmmmmmm McDonalds I love it always have always will. I know its no good for you my Mum constantly tells me and I know its quite expensive when you have a family, but its our Friday treat after swimming lessons. 

Its that time of the year again and Mcdonalds have launched their Monopoly Fortunes competition where you can win some pretty cool prizes. We collected 18 stickers tonight and won a fruit bag on the instant win, 3 stations, 2 oranges, 2 light blues, Park Lane, 2 greens - needless to say none of them are the rare ones!!

I always look what the rare ones are. I have played this for the last couple of years and never won a thing but I might this year :)

So here's a list of the rare ones in case your playing this year:

McDonalds monopoly Fortunes 2013 rare stickers:

Red - Strand
Yellow- Coventry Street
Light Blue - Euston road
Orange - Vine Street
Purple - Whitehall
Green - Bond Street
Brown - Old Kent Road
Dark Blue - Mayfair
Stations - Liverpool St Station

Good Luck if your playing. I would love to know if anybody wins so please pop back and let me know!

1 comment :

  1. Gr I am in need of all of these to win anything. Son really wants liverpool st :(
