Monday 5 May 2014

May the forth be with you - Star Wars Day

The boys in this house (who I am kidding, my three year old little princess too) are huge Star Wars fans. I will often find them having 'battles' either with their figures or with the lightsabers. I swear they used to be called light savers.

Dave was a huge fan as a child and has the biggest collection of unopened figures in the loft. I personally don't get why you would buy a toy and never open it... but thats me! He's got Star Wars everything you can think of! He keeps saying he's going to sell the collection but 'hasn't got round to it'. In fact more and more star wars figures are finding their way into the house. Every time we go to the car boot sale we end up with more because 'thery were only 50p'.

I'm not a fan myself, I don't 'get' it, I can't sit through a whole film. Don't get me wrong I don't hate it or dislike it, it just isn't my thing. I'm glad the boys like it though, they have something to bond over and talk about. In fact I love the way the boys ask their Dad about things to do with Star Wars then listen so carefully and with interest when he tells them.

I decided to celebrate May the forth (a day late... the story of my life), we had a BBQ tonight and invited my sister and her husband, so I made Star Wars cupcakes. I was impressed with them, there aren't my best cupcakes and this was definitely confirmed when Toby though Yoda was a pig... a green pig?!

May the forth be with you (a day late) and I'm off to read other #BEDM blogs so leave your links!

1 comment :

  1. May the force be with you!

    Awesome cupcake, Vicky! I love the R2-D2 and Darth Vader ones. Thanks for stopping by my blog xx
